Work packages

The project is divided into nine work packages to ensure progress.

Four horizontal work packages are to ensure coordination, communication and deliveries:

  • Work package 1 – Coordination of the project
  • Work package 2 – Communication and mediation of the project
  • Work package 3 – Evaluation of the project
  • Work package 4 – Recommendations for becoming a data centre in the future of European Health Data Space

Five technical work packages are to build and test the user journey: 

  • Work package 5 – IT infrastructure
    Build IT infrastructure that connects health data infrastructures and initiatives that are involved in the project and the central services. This network infrastructure will make it possible to share information and work as a technical solution for carrying out the pilot project.
  • Work package 6 – Metadata standards
    Develop and implement a standardised and descriptive metadata standard for health data in accordance with the FAIR principles (Health DCAT-AP expansion).
  • Work package 7 – Compliance of rules and legal requirements
    Create a unique application form for requesting access to health data and set requirements for constructing an application portal on a central level and develop general terms of using data.
  • Work package 8 – Data operability, quality and protection
    Produce guidelines for data standards including securing quality of the data and solutions for requests and semantic interoperability as well as the security and transfer of data.
  • Work package 9 – Coordination of project management
    Secure project management of the five use cases and produce recommendations for the use case management procedures.