List of national health registers

See list below of the national health registers that The Danish Health Data Authority is responsible for.

List of national health registers 
The National Abortion Register Abortregisteret 
The National Alcoholism Treatment Register Alkoholbehandlingsregisteret
National Database of Advanced Directives for Medical Care Behandlingstestamenteregisteret
The National Child Health Register Børnedatabasen
The National Cancer Register Cancerregisteret
Register for Danish Citizens Treated outside Denmark Register over danske patienter behandlet på udenlandske sygehuse
The Cause of Death Register Dødsårsagsregisteret
Shared Medication Record Fælles Medicinkort
The Birth Register Fødselsregisteret
The Register of Rehabilitation according to ”The Danish Act of Health §140” Genoptræningsregisteret
The National Medical Implants Register Implantatregisteret
The National Register on Treatment with Heroin and Methadone Database for injicerbar heroin og metadon
The National In Vitro Fertilization Register IVF-registeret
The Clinical Laboratory Information Register Laboratoriedatabasen
The National Patient Register Landspatientregisteret
The National Database of Living Wills Livstestamenteregistret
The Register of Pharmaceutical Sales Lægemiddelstatistikregisteret
The National Child Odontology Register Odontologisk Register
The Cost Database Omkostningsdatabasen
The National Organ Donor Database Organdonorregisteret
The Danish Pathology Register Patologiregisteret
The Psychiatric Treatment Register Det Psykiatriske Behandlingsregister
Bed Capacity and Occupation Rate Sengepladser og belægning
The National Catalogue of Health Organisations Sundhedsvæsenets Organisationsregister
National Hospital Medication Register Sygehusmedicinregisteret
The National Register of Coercive Measures in Psychiatric Units Tvang i Psykiatrien
The National Register of Coercive Measures in relation to Treatment of Disabled Patients Tvang i Somatikken
The National Database of Non-Consent to the Use of Tissue Samples for Scientific Purposes Vævsanvendelsesregistret