First-of-its-kind cyber strategy for health sector now available in English


The world’s probably first cyber and information security strategy aimed directly at the healthcare sector is now available in English

In January, this year The Danish Ministry of Health, Danish Regions and KL (Local Government Denmark) published a specific strategy for cyber and information security in the health sector. Following the launch of the Danish version of the strategy, there has been a popular demand for a translated version. Amongst others, World Economic Forum, and the international healthcare professionals and IT specialists sharing know-how with the Danish Regions have shown particular interest in the strategy.

‘In the course of constructing the Danish cyber and information security strategy, we have sought to find similar strategies focusing on the healthcare sector in other countries. Our efforts tell us that the Danish strategy is a frontrunner in this field and probably even a world’s first’, says Flemming Christiansen, Vice President of the Danish health Data Authority.

The strategy, A strengthened collective cyber and information security effort 2019-2022, highlights the health sector’s 6 vulnerabilities - a large staff community, a large and complex IT landscape, dependency on joint digital infrastructure, legacy systems and IoT devices, large data collections and a heterogeneous sector. It addresses the need for enhanced cross-sectoral collaboration through four focus areas whereby the sectors overall ability to predict, prevent, detect and respond to cyber and information security incidents is strengthened.

‘The Danish health Data Authority has played a vital part in developing this strategy and continues to take on a great deal of responsibility with regard to the establishment of a national IT- and cyber response covering every part of the Danish healthcare sector’, says Flemming Christiansen. 

The strategy holds a total of 17 initiatives, which will be implemented across the healthcare sector within the strategy period.   

Read the English version 'Strategy 2019-2022: A strengthened collective cyber and information security effort'